
Protecting Your WordPress Site from Comment Spammers

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world and one of the reasons for its popularity is its easy-to-use interface, which allows users to create and manage content with ease.

However, like any other platform, WordPress is also vulnerable to various security threats, and one of the most common issues faced by website owners is comment spamming.

Comment spamming is a form of spam that is targeted at WordPress sites, and it involves leaving comments on blog posts with the intention of promoting products, services, or links. Comment spamming not only affects the user experience of a website but can also harm its SEO performance.

In this article, we will discuss some tips and best practices that can be used to protect your WordPress site from comment spammers.

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  1. Enable comment moderation

The first and most effective way to protect your WordPress site from comment spamming is to enable comment moderation. This feature allows you to review and approve all comments before they are published on your website.

To enable comment moderation, go to your WordPress dashboard, and navigate to Settings > Discussion. Here, you will find the option to enable comment moderation, and you can set the criteria for which comments require approval.

  1. Use anti-spam plugins

WordPress has a vast library of plugins, and there are many anti-spam plugins that can help protect your website from comment spammers.

Some of the most popular anti-spam plugins include Akismet, WP Armour, and Antispam Bee. These plugins use different techniques to identify and block spam comments, such as checking the comment content against a global spam database, analyzing user behavior, and using CAPTCHA.

  1. Disable comments on older posts

Comment spamming is more prevalent on older posts, as spammers tend to target posts that have a high search engine ranking.

To reduce the risk of comment spamming on older posts, you can disable comments on these posts. To do this, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Posts, and select the post you want to disable comments on. Click on the Quick Edit option, and uncheck the Allow Comments box.

You can also disable comments on multiple posts at once using the Bulk Edit option.

  1. Implement a comment policy

Creating a comment policy can help deter spammers from leaving spam comments on your website.

A comment policy sets out the rules for commenting on your website, and it can include guidelines on what kind of comments are allowed, what kind of language is not permitted, and how to report spam comments.

A comment policy can also help improve the quality of comments on your website, and create a more positive user experience.

  1. Use a content delivery network (CDN)

Using a content delivery network (CDN) can also help protect your WordPress site from comment spamming.

A CDN is a network of servers that are distributed across different geographic locations, and they work together to deliver website content to users quickly and efficiently.

CDNs like CloudFlare can also help filter out spam traffic and block malicious bots, which can significantly reduce the risk of comment spamming.

  1. Disable HTML in comments

Another way to protect your WordPress site from comment spammers is to disable HTML in comments.

HTML allows users to add links, images, and other formatting to their comments, but it also provides a way for spammers to insert links to their websites.

To disable HTML in comments, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings > Discussion, and uncheck the box that says “Allow HTML tags in comments.”

  1. Use Google reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA is a free service that can help protect your WordPress site from comment spammers. It uses advanced technology to analyze user behavior and determine whether a comment is spam or not.

Google reCAPTCHA uses a combination of machine learning algorithms and advanced risk analysis techniques to distinguish between human and bot traffic.

When a user leaves a comment on your website, reCAPTCHA analyzes their behavior, such as their mouse movements, keystrokes, and browsing patterns, to determine whether they are a human or a bot.

To implement Google reCAPTCHA on your WordPress site, you can use a plugin such as CAPTCHA 4WP. This plugin provides a simple interface for adding reCAPTCHA to your comment forms, and also offers various customization options, such as changing the theme and size of the reCAPTCHA widget.

  1. Block suspicious IP addresses

Blocking suspicious IP addresses can also help protect your WordPress site from comment spamming.

Spammers often use automated bots to leave spam comments on websites, and these bots typically use a large number of IP addresses to evade detection. By blocking suspicious IP addresses, you can prevent these bots from accessing your website and leaving spam comments.

To block IP addresses on your WordPress site, you can use a security plugin such as Wordfence. This plugin allows you to block IP addresses manually or automatically based on predefined criteria, such as the number of failed login attempts or the frequency of requests from a specific IP address.

  1. Monitor comments regularly

Finally, it is essential to monitor your comments regularly to ensure that no spam comments slip through the cracks.

Even with comment moderation enabled and anti-spam plugins in place, spammers can sometimes find ways to bypass these measures, and it is up to you to catch these comments and remove them from your website.

To monitor your comments regularly, you can enable email notifications in WordPress for new comments. You will receive alerts when new comments are posted on your website.

You can also use the WordPress dashboard to view all comments and quickly approve or delete them as needed.


Comment spamming is a prevalent issue that can affect the user experience and SEO performance of your WordPress site.

However, by following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can protect your website from comment spammers and create a positive user experience for your visitors.

Remember to enable comment moderation, use anti-spam plugins, disable comments on older posts, and monitor comments regularly to ensure the security and integrity of your WordPress site.

By Brian Bennett

Brian is a senior IT specialist, investor and owner of DataPacket. He writes about Internet advocacy, the Web hosting industry, security and news.

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